Independent, specialized drug information service provider

Logo Carenoble

Carenoble is a neutral scientific institute, free from all interests of pharmaceutical manufacturers and service providers. Tools and accompanying services are developed for physicians to create their autonomous medical assessment competence for products, providers and prices in specific, high-priced drug prescription areas (e.g. parenteral nutrition).

The scientific team consists of the departments of pharmacology, nutritional sciences and medicine, information technology, economics and law.

The philosophy follows the goal of reconciling the interests of all stakeholders in the long term through innovative, intelligent solutions. Therefore, the services for physicians are provided with the involvement of the health insurance companies.

In this way, long-term effective overall solutions are developed for the illustration of current guidelines, the creation of product and price transparency, which serve to facilitate a needs-based and economic drug regulation. This provision makes it possible to implement recourse protection for physicians.

Modern information technologies such as the prescription service portal CareSolution® are available for this purpose.

About us

  • independent drug information service provider
  • Guaranteed neutrality due to absolute independence of Carenoble from manufacturers and suppliers
  • The experienced team of specialists consists of the following scientific disciplines: pharmacology/medicine, nutritional sciences, information technology, health economics, health care economics, and health care management.
  • Creation of market transparency for physicians (products, prices, profitability comparisons) in the field of parenteral nutrition
  • Focus of Carenoble products: artificial nutrition therapies and parenteral preparations
  • Contractual partnership with 38 health insurance companies, which represent approx. 40% of the nationwide insured.

For Carenoble, supply quality and cost-effectiveness do not contradict each other

The Carenoble team uses its economic knowledge to combine scientific competence and the potential of networks of doctors, care partners, health insurance companies, associations and nursing staff, so that synergies can be used for the benefit of all.

The innovative concept developed by Carenoble has proven for years that quality of care and cost-effectiveness do not have to contradict each other, but can go hand in hand.

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